As a long-time academic administrator in two different pharmacy schools, our CEO fully understands the pressure currently exerted on our academic pharmacy institutions. Compliance with the ever-changing accreditation guidelines, CAPE domains and Entrustable Professional Activities, and a plethora of other requirements at a time when budgetary pressure is overwhelming, is stretching our faculty and administrators beyond belief.
Our obligation under the oath of the pharmacist is to educate the next generation of pharmacists. We aim to assist our institutions and students in any way we can. Our rotation rounds out the educational offerings that schools simply don’t have the time, talent or budget to provide. We provide 100% virtual ambulatory care patient care rotations, as well as specialty rotations in diabetes and hypertension. In the last 12 months, over 400 students have come through our rotation from 38 different schools of pharmacy.
Our students get experience in skills that they simply can’t obtain in the academic environment of a OSCE or classroom experience. We teach them entrepreneurial skills, health coaching skills, communication skills, engagement skills, and the business skills they need to thrive in order to provide complex medication therapy management to patients with chronic disease. We focus our activities on Medicare eligible patients with multiple disease states that require care compassion and empathy to achieve improved patient outcomes.